The Integer Group® is the world's leading commerce agency, relentlessly focused on delivering Great Work That Works. We believe in creativity that is fueled by data, informed by culture, and delivered to the touchpoints that create connections and ultimately drive transaction. Through Retail Marketing, eCommerce, Brand Communications, Media & Connections, and Data & Analytics, we accelerate conversion and build a brand's lifetime bond with its consumers. It's what we call living at the Intersection of Branding and Selling®.
A key member of Omnicom Group Inc., The Integer Group has more than 1,100 associates in 25 offices around the globe, including locations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and North and South America. The Integer Group’s clients include AT&T, FedEx, Mars/Wrigley, Michelin, Nestlé, P&G, PepsiCo, Starbucks and more.