LA Family Housing

LA Family Housing is a leader in homeless services and affordable housing development in Los Angeles. We believe that everyone deserves the dignity of a home and are invested in innovative solutions to ensure their long-term stability. With 35 years of experience, we know what works to end homelessness in people’s lives: an individualized approach that combines housing options with supportive services. Our commitment to best practice impacts 11,000 people each year, and our community-based approach allows us to influence how homelessness is addressed in Los Angeles and nationwide. Our growing portfolio of 26+ properties enables vulnerable groups to have access to permanent homes, and our services help them overcome their barriers to overall well-being.

We take tremendous pride in the emergence of our staff as national leaders in innovation, best practices, and policy within housing production and homeless services. From presenting at national conferences to facilitating service collaboration among providers in other regions, we equip our industry to effectively respond to homelessness and ultimately move more people home, together. Join the fight to end homelessness and make a difference in people’s lives at LA Family Housing!